Individual shadow work sessions

Individual shadow work sessions

What issues can I bring?

What issues can I bring?

Alasdair Kirk
Shadow Work, Counselling &
Experiential Psychotherapeutic Process

What issues can I bring?
In our work together we can explore all manner of difficulties you may be experiencing around self esteem or issues with your confidence, difficulties with assertiveness or holding boundaries, feeling stuck or overwhelmed, anxiety, compulsive behaviours, addictions, relationship difficulties, or difficulties around sex, sexuality and sexual expression.
The depth and safety of the tools and holding can assist in your journey to recovery from trauma such as childhood trauma of abandonment or neglect, sexual, physical or emotional abuse, boarding school trauma or bullying at school, and trauma from experiences of racism or homophobia.
We can also explore feelings of alienation and loneliness, a lack of clear direction or lack of purpose, and other existential issues such as meaninglessness and spiritual emergence. If you carry strong feelings of rage, issues with your anger, deep grief or pain of bereavement we can create a space to explore and fully express these emotions in a safe and held way allowing you to really meet what is within you.
In our work together the movement is always towards wholeness; restoring balance and stability in your inner world, creating a felt sense of self-regulation and safety, and a deepening embodiment of resourced resilience.
I work with adults of all genders and identities, all sexual orientations, relationship styles, and all religious and ethnic backgrounds.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”